Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 39 - Roma 0669207671

Master in Public Health (Anno Accademico 2022/2023)

Research Methods and Applied Project in Public Health

Lingua contenuti:Inglese
Descrizione dell'insegnamento

This module is available for students who have completed the taught element of their studies. It is designed to be a student-led, applied, research-based module, anchored on providing students with relevant academic and industry-transferable skills. The module is split into two sections. In section one, students will formulate and complete a research/engagement proposal and turn this into a feasible research plan; in section two, students will engage in the actual research/consultancy proposed in section one.

All applied research projects will be undertaken by the students based on their selected module topics and specialisation pathways. This will enable them to carry out independent consultancy research at a master’s level and allow them to meet the desired learning outcomes, while also developing relevant skills and expertise in their chosen specialist pathways.

  • Critically appraise the knowledge and rationale behind approaches in public health research.
  • Critically evaluate the methods and results of published research in a relevant field of public health literature.
  • Conceptualise a work-based issue and formulate a research proposal and design with a workable research plan within ethical guidelines.
  • Apply chosen research strategy to managing a public health programme or critical independent applied research in an area of specialisation.
  • Perform a rigorous result synthesis and evaluate research findings.
  • Present a critical analysis of research findings and their implications.


Part one: 

  • The nature of public health research
  • Understanding research philosophies and approaches
  • Formulating and clarifying a public health research topic
  • Developing a research proposal
  • Selecting a research approach and methodology
  • Conducting qualitative or quantitative research 
  • Negotiating access and research ethics

Part two:

  • Critically reviewing the literature
  • Applicable models for consulting and research
  • Selecting samples and using secondary data
  • Collecting primary data through observation
  • Collecting primary data using semi-structured, in-depth and group interviews
  • Collecting primary data using questionnaires
  • Analysing quantitative data and qualitative data 
  • Writing and presenting a project report
  • McClean, S. et al., 2019, Research Methods for Public Health. 1st edn. , SAGE Publications, Inc
  • Taylor, B. and Francis, K., 2013, Qualitative Research in the Health Sciences. 1st edn. , Taylor and Francis.
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